Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Week of Firsts (April 25, 2016)

A Week of Firsts

All right. So firsts:

First transfer! I am now in Pasay 5A, which is Pasay Stake 5th Ward Missionary area A. Not too ridiculous.

You are right, Pasay is huge! I'm not exactly sure, but we are pretty close to Baclaran. We go to church on Donada Street. Pasay 5th ward is pretty new, it's only a few years old now. Most people are converts in the ward. But it's all cool.

It seems, however, baptisms have been a long time nonexistent. But we'll fix that, according to my companion.
He is named Elder Jones. There are two in the mission. He is the one who goes home in 4 months and is American. But he isn't trunky. Still gets smacked in the face with the fact that he's close to dead. (“Close to dead” refers to the idea that a missionary’s time has been completed.)

First time shaking a Filipino politician's hand. Or 8 of them. Yes, here in the Philippines, elections get pretty crazy. In order to make more of a mark, candidates will go around the town shaking hands with anyone they can, in order to show they are a people person and make more of an impression.

So now I've shaken 8 hands of people who hope to lead the Philippines soon. They all were very surprised when they found out we knew Tagalog.

There are posters absolutely everywhere. Not just that, but we have theme songs for every candidate, and they are blasted from vehicles that just drive around. All day. All morning, all during studies, all afternoon, during lessons. Constant. But it's fun.

I also got Bible bashed for the first time. That wasn't too comfortable.

But we really could have done nothing. The man was an expert debater. He was so good, he proved to us that we were wrong that he was debating when we told him we'd rather not. Using his excellent knowledge and language he proved that we were wrong and that it wasn't a debate. Then continued to tell us how we named our church wrong, how we must base all faith on the Bible only, how our prophet cannot be because there are no more prophets, how our church is not international the way the true church is, and how we only think we know these things. When we told him we knew because we had asked God, he was astounded. "How did you ask him?" he said "Did you see him? And even if you said a question, how can you get an answer?" He asked them rhetorically of course. It brings to mind how it says in the scriptures: Woe unto them who deny the power of the Holy Ghost, who say there is no more revelation, and God doesn't speak to man.

I mostly remained silent. I wasn't sure how to respond. Trying to prove my point back would have been futile, and testimony would simply be twisted and profaned. He was certainly an expert at gratifying pride. Somehow, he always proved that we were wrong, no matter what we said. He would jump from one topic to another, and take our words out of context to use them against us. He chastised my poor companion, because my companion has been on a mission 20 months and couldn't pull the exact scripture that the guy was thinking of out of a hat. At first, he told us we need to study the Bible (which we do, we just don't memorize every scripture, nor the one he was thinking of) and then at the end, told us we need to search on the internet for the leader of Church of God International, or Dating Daan.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing, but it definitely made me sad. I don't know why he was so hostile.

Oh well.

Time to go.

With Love,

Elder Streeter

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

General Conference (April 11, 2016)

General Conference

My week, and what it has been, is summed up in two words:

General Conference. 

It was amazing.

It was inspired.

It had messages for all. 

I invite any and all to listen to as much of it as they can.

I invite any and all to open their hearts beforehand, with a fervent prayer to gain from it and a desire to be enlightened. 

I invite you to consider the age that guarantees wisdom of those who spoke before you discount their words on the basis that they are of a different faith. 

I invite my family to send me some of the best quotes they find. I guarantee they are there. There's so many. There is so much to be gained. 

I say to all who read this that the best feeling in the world is without doubt the Holy Ghost and its influence. I beg that you will seek it earnestly, and be open to it. 

If you would listen to very little, then here are some suggestions (each is found at https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2016/04?cid=HP_SU_3-4-2016_dPFD_fGC_xLIDyL1-B_&lang=eng ):

Where Two or Three are Gathered by Henry B. Eyring

The Greatest Leaders are the Greatest Followers by Stephen W. Owen

The Sacred Place of Restoration by Jairo Mazzagardi

A Child's Guiding Gift by Mary R. Durham

Choices by Thomas S. Monson

Fathers by D. Todd Christofferson

He Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Refuge from the Storm by Patrick Kearon

And There Shall Be No More Death by Paul V. Johnson


Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You by Jeffrey R. Holland

Only 10 suggestions out of the 37 messages. 

If you find your interest piqued by any of those titles, please go to lds.org and search them. 

I will share my favorite quotes:

"Now numbering more than one or two, a multitude of His disciples are gathered in this conference, and as promised, the Lord is in our midst."

"Those who are saddened by the loss of the joy they once had are the blessed ones. Some do not see the withering of faith within themselves. Satan is clever. He tells those he wishes to be miserable that the joy they once felt was childish self-delusion."

"He has taught us that we can forgive! Even though we may be a victim once, we need not be a victim twice by carrying the burden of hate, bitterness, pain, resentment, or even revenge. We can forgive, and we can be free!"

"I fear that too many have sadly surrendered their agency to the adversary and are saying by their conduct, “I care more about satisfying my own desires than I do about bearing the Savior’s power to bless others.”"

"Only a man who has paid the price for priesthood power will be able to bring miracles to those he loves and keep his marriage and family safe, now and throughout eternity."

"The role of father is of divine origin, beginning with a Father in Heaven and, in this mortal sphere, with Father Adam."

"Surely, I thought, if man can take the ruins, rubble, and remains of a broken city and rebuild an awe-inspiring structure that rises toward the heavens, how much more capable is our Almighty Father to restore His children who have fallen, struggled, or become lost?"

"But the Holy Ghost is different from the Light of Christ. He is the third member of the Godhead, a distinct personage of spirit with sacred responsibilities, and one in purpose with the Father and the Son."

"Only the adversary, the enemy of us all, would try to convince us that the ideals outlined in general conference are depressing and unrealistic, that people don’t really improve, that no one really progresses. And why does Lucifer give that speech? Because he knows he can’t improve, he can’t progress, that worlds without end he will never have a bright tomorrow. He is a miserable man bound by eternal limitations, and he wants you to be miserable too. Well, don’t fall for that. With the gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the strength of heaven to help us, we can improve, and the great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying, even if we don’t always succeed."

And the two most important:

"But perhaps there is a different metaphor that can explain why we obey the commandments of God. Maybe obedience is not so much the process of bending, twisting, and pounding our souls into something we are not. Instead, it is the process by which we discover what we truly are made of."

And of course:

"May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong."

My love to all those who read this, especially my family,

Elder Streeter

Sunday, April 10, 2016

When I become a Dad (April 4, 2016)

When I become a Dad

I received packages finally. I don't know why they took so long but I can make guesses. They had a Book, some music, The poem, Oreos, SUNFLOWER SEEDS, and my camera. My camera has no batteries, however, so no pictures yet. 

If I transfer it could happen any time in the next 3 weeks, it turns out. If it doesn't happen this week, it won't happen next week, and will the week after that. 

Where I'm going no one knows. 

I'm excited to hear about Grandma. I hope you guys have fun with her. 

I also noticed something. All the stuff that I learn about as a missionary could be applied to parents. In essence, parents are the missionaries to their children. I try to teach people that God loves them; parents teach their children God loves them. I try to teach people to love Christ; parents try to teach their children to love Christ. I try to teach people that that love for Christ, and faith in his power, fear of his judgment, but hope in his mercy, should spur to action, should be the driving force for us to do things, for him. And I try to teach them that, most important, there is no separation of Church and God. This is Christ's church, and none else. If the church asks our investigators, less-actives, and recent converts to act, to do something, to fulfill a responsibility, to repent, to follow the commandments—if the church asks, it is the same as God asking. And parents try to teach their kids the same things. 
I think I may hold onto PMG (Preach My Gospel) after my mission. It may help me when I become a dad. 

Elder Streeter

*Here are a few pictures his companion sent:

A Rat and a Baptism (March 28, 2016)

A Rat and a Baptism

Package, nothing, although I can't possibly have information until I go up there (to the mission home) or someone else does. This means that I will get news, or lack of it, on Thursday, when we have our zone conference. However, I had been under the impression that you were going to call the office to confirm the details concerning the address and the change which may or may not have happened.

Baptisms, yes. 
Sister Maria Teresa Guzman has entered the waters of baptism and become a member of the church. I participated in the confirmation the following day. Not as the one doing it, but one of those lending authority. As a result, she seems happy, and I have had my first baptism of the mission. It is without doubt that I am happy. 

This is specifically for Mama: She would like you to try to friend her on Facebook. 
Give it a try. You may find you have more in common than you expect. If for no other reason, do so such that after my mission, when I decide to make a Facebook account, which I have already resolved upon, I can add her and keep contact. 
Back to speaking to everyone:

Extraordinary experiences? Other than a baptism?

Just that I stepped on a rat by accident. You know, one of those rats as big a hamburger. Yeah, that was a frightening experience, though not dangerous in the slightest. 
We also bought mussels from the market. Probably the shiftiest thing we've done. But it turned out to be tasty and I'm not sick yet, sooooo....

My companion does have a camera, I'll see if he can send some stuff, since he's not allowed to email me...

No security change, but you don't know how hard every terrorist attack hits me. Something about me just...
I don't know, but I'm certainly affected.

Don't need anything, except to find out about my package. That being said, I have found out about the opportunity to get carvings called temple plates, and yes, they are pretty wicked looking. If you would like one, let me know. They are 2800 peso each, I believe, and the artist will do it on any temple. It is a pop out kind of thing, not a full 3d temple, but the kind where you take a single plane and make everything as it would be if it were 3d. I don't know how to explain, but it's cool.

Weather is...
And now, though it's still humid, it's dry. As in, no rain...
So I've gotten sunburned for the first time. 
But that's all right. 
Companions are still the same. They are doing fine. Elder Eteaki hates being district leader, but I have it on good faith that everyone who loves being a missionary finds being a district leader to be hard. Elder Calixto continues to be a fun loving Filipino with nearly a mission worth of experience. 
Transfers, which will likely occur to me, will be happening the second Wednesday of April, because this particular transfer was long. 
I will very likely transfer, because (1) I'm in a threesome, which is never meant to be a permanent situation, and (2) I will have been in this area for 6 months now. 
That being said, anything, and I mean anything, could happen.

Just ‘cause I'd like to share one of my spiritual insights, here you go:

That being said, the time I have spent not working, I do not feel I wasted. I have devoured Jesus the Christ (by Talmage) over the last week, and spiritual doors and revelation have opened beyond belief. I have been immensely strengthened by my increasing understanding of The Son of The Father. One particular revelation has stuck out in amazing contrast. A vital error has been corrected in my mind.

How easy it is to choose the right.
Now I do not say this to disparage all those who struggle with temptation, addictions, old habits, and so forth. I know that struggles are very real, and have had some myself.
But I realized in my studies this week a vital deception, a perilous error in my thoughts.

I had always felt quite fully, that choosing the wrong was the easier way. Otherwise, as my mind put it, so many more people would choose the right. Choosing the right requires action, whereas choosing the wrong is as easy as simply deciding not to act. Not to leave a sinful situation, not to get up in the morning, not to OYM that person. 

When we think about how much choosing the right is termed as progression, and life is like a slippery slope, we think about how simply not working is a sinful act. How not trying is a sin. Deciding not to observe all rules with exactitude, by being more comfortable, and requiring little effort, simply seems easier. 

Now of course, we've all heard the rebukes made before: in the end it's the harder way. Serving two masters leads to disgust in one or the other, and being burnt out on top of it. Choosing the right brings blessings which make it easier, etc. etc. 

But even in the scriptures it says that the curse that came upon man was that by the sweat of his brow would he eat bread. 
Hard work is called hard work for a reason, right?

But I learned recently that this is the central lie: Giving in to sin is easier than choosing the right.

And why is that a deception? What clever truth is being hidden by it?

By logic we determine that my statement that “bad is easier than good” is a lie, means I claim that it is not. But why would I say that?

Because it denies a very important truth, and one that pervades an understanding of all doctrine:
God loves us. 

To say that sinning is the easy way, is to say that Satan fights harder to obtain our misery than God fights to obtain our happiness, and that would be in direct opposition to eternal truth. 

I have yet to understand how this can be true while it still feels and seems easier to choose the wrong, but it has given me strength. God loves us, and by this we know that he has to fight at least as hard as Satan, if not harder.

Elder Streeter