Friday, January 13, 2017

November 14, 2016 (District Leader)

District Leader


My entire family forgot to email me this week? Either that or they are having internet problems...or they don't like me... or they are all dead!

They descended rapidly! I suppose it's also possible that the world will explode in 30 minutes...

Sometimes, though we have those distressing slides into distressing thoughts. Sometimes good things happen, and we interpret them as bad. For instance, you might receive a gift from someone. Things you might think are:

They really care about me!
That was so nice!
I wonder why they did that?
I should do the same for them.

These are all great thoughts, but sometimes, that doesn't happen. Sometimes it's a little more sour:

They just gave it to me to cheer me up
I can't believe they think they can help me with material things
They are shallow, and don't really care, because if they really cared, they'd talk with me or spend time with me

Or perhaps:

Oh, great, now they will expect me to give them a gift! How am I going to pull the funds together to do that? I don't even know what they like! I can't get them just anything, it has to be as good as or better than their gift…It wasn't given out of a sincere desire...Gosh, they are so selfish. 

Maybe even, if it turns out you don't like, or can't use the gift:

Wow, they just wanted to make me upset! 
They give a gift and don't even take time to find out what I like? 
It doesn't even work, (or maybe) it doesn't taste good (or maybe) I'm allergic to that! 
What an idiot! 

Leaping Lizards! what kinds of thoughts are those?

It's true, sometimes we are wronged, but let's consider a different situation:

Walking through a mall, and someone bumps into you. 3 different thoughts might come:

1. Wow! how rude! that selfish oaf just thinks he owns the world!
2. Oh dear, I am so clumsy! I have such a problem with that, I shouldn't even be here...
3. What an idiot...has no awareness...grumble...mumble...why I oughtta teach him a lesson.

Or perhaps we could not have these thoughts. I mean, they bumped into us, so what? Did that cause you to lose your job, or get a deadly illness? Perhaps you could just say:


And then go on your way. Don't let it bother you. 

Sometimes we make connections that just aren't there. 

In high school, my band teacher showed us an interesting concept:

There is a band named Pink Floyd, and they have an album I believe called Dark Side of the Moon. If you play it directly from the correct time on a muted copy of the old Wizard of Oz, there are many parts of their songs and sounds which seem to fit exactly with the things that happen in it. But it isn't an exact science. Mostly it demonstrated a principle, where we like to make connections, even when there are none.

So perhaps, you walked into a room, and a group of people laughed. Maybe they laughed at you...But maybe they just finished a joke as you walked in. 

I guess what I am trying to get to is that sometimes, we have destructive patterns of thought. This leads to being angry, or sad, or frustrated, or upset, or depressed an inordinate amount of time. This can sometimes even lead to being suicidal.

This can cause you to close yourself off to outside help, by constantly thinking of a negative response to every effort to aid, by becoming frustrated with well-meaning action, and sometimes discounting what might be key to your happiness, or even the salvation of your soul.

And that is why we study the gospel.

But we also need to work on our thoughts. Sometimes these destructive patterns will cause us to misinterpret the scriptures, and become frustrated, discouraged, or confused with the things the scriptures say. These patterns lead guilty souls to focus on God's anger, and frustrated souls to focus on the narrowness of the path, or everything that doesn't (yet) make sense. And so we turn away.

But it came from our thinking. 

Our minds are powerful tools. We must learn to program them. We must learn to fight negative thinking, and often that means to think more. 

When you get a negative thought, recognize that, and take a step back. Then, when your head clears, talk back to that thought. Think of a better way to look at or think of a situation. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. 

This is how repentance occurs. 

This is how Despair is turned into Hope

This is how Doubt is turned into Faith

This is how Fear is turned into Courage

This is how Frustration is turned into Patience

This is how Unhappiness is turned into Gratitude

This is how Selfishness is turned into Love

As we build better patterns of thought, life begins to brighten. It becomes easier to forgive, we become calmer in trial and confusion, we begin to see something so very important:

What we can become.

By using good patterns of thought, the scriptures become a source of pleasure, joy, and reassurance. By developing patterns of patience, all that does not make sense at first finds its proper place in due time. By developing patterns of Hope, and Love, and Gratitude, we focus on the sweetness of the gospel, and even God's seemingly harsh condemnation becomes a just recompense and a reward for righteousness, and a merciful and loving act to stop the pain and sadness that comes to others because of the wicked. But we don't focus on those scriptures. Instead we think of how God lengthened the days of man so they could repent, gave them prophets and scriptures to teach them the manner of happiness, Shed the blood of his perfect innocent Son because he felt you were worth it, and will always be worth it. 

WE SEE WE ARE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD. And so is everyone else.

Let us build, and not tear down. Let us practice better patterns of thought.

We over here are approaching transfers. The district leader is transferring to manila to become a Zone Leader. I have been called as District Leader here in Taytay, so I will not be going anywhere.

With Love,

Elder Streeter

October 24, 2016 (The Laundry and the Crab)

The Laundry and the Crab

Over here, I am learning a whole new way of life... It's kind of a pain, for instance, that I have to wash all my clothes by hand...

Which is why I'm wearing this shirt for the third time...

But it's also cool to see all the interesting things here. There was a baptism recently. Baptisms are done at the beach here, so I got to see some interesting things... 

You would have laughed a little, because we found a crab that looked like a brown Mr. Krabs with six legs. It was really big. The kids put it on the ground and it skedaddled super-fast. It literally looked like it was dancing across the sand, because the feet were going crazy and it was moving sideways. Here's the funny part though:

The kids that put it down didn't want it to run away. 

So a little girl picked up this huge piece of wood. 

Then she ran after it.




She destroyed it. She just brought her arm down and bang! Right smack dab between the eyes. 

There was pink goop all over one side. It wasn't moving...

And since it stopped moving, the children said: that's boring...

They came back. They said: it died...

I whispered under my breath: it got killed!

I also saw a sea slug and picked up a starfish. Not a starfish like in Sponge Bob, but one of those with the skinny black spiny legs. It's weird because they move. While you are holding it they move. I couldn't find the mouth or eyes or face, but it was moving...

And of course, I've taught people…

But you know that already. I could go on and on about old Tays that interrupt me over and over to crazy ladies who tell me to be quiet when I'm not talking, but there...

Also, tell mama that as desperately as I want her written letters, I have not received a single one, so she might want to hold off on sending another.

October 17, 2016 (More Good Food!)

More Good Food!

I don't know if I told you this, but I am by far the oldest (mission length) missionary in the bahay. The others are:

Elder Fiesta (District Leader, 7 months in)

Elder Mitchell (Being trained by Elder Fiesta, 2 months in)

Elder Enano (My companion, 7 months in)

Elder Enano is a Filipino from Samar Province, Catarman specifically. He's having a really hard time with English right now. Not because he is terribly bad, but rather because he wants to learn it so much faster than he is learning it. 

His native language is Waray, the version in his province, since it is different in different provinces...

He loves to laugh and has a million dollar smile. He can cook Filipino food, and knows a ton about plants and animals of the Philippines. We'll just be walking and he can tell me what kind of tree we're looking at and what fruit it bears and what other uses it has. He also has all sorts of tricks with plants. There is one that he can blow bubbles with, one he makes a weird whistle sound with, and one that is completely hydrophobic (that one was cool...and apparently, it's tasty).

Speaking of tasty, there are a few different foods here. I've eaten a relative of tuna, lots of different types of "sticky rice" the "heart of the banana" and bamboo. I thought they didn't have bitter-melon, and was somewhat disappointed, but I found out they do have it. I cooked myself up some. Mmmm....

We had a family history activity here. We rented out a computer shop, and had anyone who wanted to learn about The whole computer shop was full, and several members came. Unfortunately, none of the members from our area did, but that doesn't mean the activity wasn't a success.

Taytay is a branch, i.e. we had 45 people at sacrament, and half of those were children. Feels like what I was used to before my mission. They do have a sizeable youth group, however. 

There aren't a lot of people, but the Lord blessed us this week to successfully achieve 190 OYMs. I almost thought we weren't going to make it, because 30 a day is difficult enough, and we still needed 53 on Sunday. But amazingly, even as I began to fear, people began to pop up where there were none before, and we had the opportunity to OYM 190 people this week. 

And to Papa, if you ever have difficulty pronouncing stuff here, ask Mama to pronounce it as though it were Spanish. They follow almost the same phonetic pattern.

I was able to download all of conference. I listen to it when I can.

Till next week,

Elder Streeter