May 23, 2016
An Elephant or a Bird?
Usually I will talk about the week. Usually I will talk about what has been going on, asking questions, answering them, and tell you about stuff that I experience. But I feel prompted to send about what I have been pondering about a lot:
Many people in the world are seeking after happiness. Many people want to find joy in this world, and peace. But they all have different ways of looking for it. But often it seems that this search is manifest in an attempt to become something.
We often hear that people are trying to make something of themselves, don't we?
So where does happiness truly come from?
The short answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it is not my purpose to go into the myriad ways in which this is true.
Now let us consider some things.
Several of the scriptures note the idea that happiness will come to those who seek happiness. It will not come in doing iniquity. It will not come if you sell it for the praise of the world. It sounds to me that happiness comes not from wickedness, but from goodness.
The trend I see in the world today is that happiness is often intended to be found by becoming something. People are constantly trying to become what they aren't, however, and so they are brought to sadness rather than happiness. My mom said it before:
Curly hair wants straight, and straight want curly.
Redheads want to be blonds, blonds to be brunettes, and brunettes to be redheads.
As my dad would say:
The grass is always greener on the other side.
We seem to all be the goat’s gruff. We seem to constantly try to become what we aren't. This is a problem.
If an elephant wants to be a bird, what will that bring him?
Sadness, of course. He will realize it is never possible. He will look at himself in pools and see how different he looks, how ugly, compared to the birds. He will be saddened by his inability to fly, his incapability to sing and twitter and live in the trees. He will be defeated by the fact that he can never be a bird.
Perhaps his desire will grow. Perhaps he will delude himself into thinking he is a bird, imagining himself flying high above the clouds with his flock. If he becomes crazy enough, he will start climbing on trees...only to have them break. He will start singing, only to have all around flee, and perhaps in his distress and desire will finally jump from a cliff in the belief that he was meant to fly. And thus ends his life, because he never was meant to.
So much sadness in this world comes from trying to be what we aren't.
There are those who think they should be the opposite gender.
There are those who think they were meant to be a different color. Filipinos desire white skin and white people all want tans!
There are those who believe that we are meant to be animals, feeding our lusts because they are natural.
There are those who believe that we aren't even meant to be.
People try to become rich, popular, famous, movie stars, business leaders, politicians. Admirable pursuits, but none will bring happiness.
Because that isn't, in the vast scheme of things, what we are. Who we are meant to be!
And I watch as people devote all their time and energy to become a different sex, a different race, a different person, accepted by society, approved of the world. And I see that even as they get closer to realizing their goal they find themselves further from lasting happiness.
Happiness will only come when you are determined to be what you are, and who you are meant to become.
And that is why the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is so important and brings happiness.
For one thing it teaches us where we are from, and where we are going. For another, it tells us how to get there.
Let’s consider some truths:
We did not come from monkeys. If we believe we came from monkeys, we believe we are destined to fulfill our heritage as monkeys: feeding our animal desires, doing as we please, ruling by who has more strength or intelligence.
But if we understand that we are Children of God, then we see what we have within us. We have that divine spark! We have a little bit of him and can become heirs of his kingdom, because a father desires to give to his children what he has. It is not about fulfilling our lusts, but living worthy of our heritage as beings who originated from the most noble of beings. We seek not to rule by brute ability, but by emulating that being which gave us life, of whom we are similar.
He also loves us, and anyone who says differently denies all that is good and light in the world. He wants us to join him again and will do everything he can to get us there. This is his work, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
The argument that we are born evil is invalid. It says that we are not children of a being who is eternally and perfectly good. It says we should just be bad because we can't help it. "Wickedness never was happiness."
The argument that we cannot be freed from our past mistakes is utter falsehood and foolishness. Forgiveness is always available, because he loves us completely. Never tell yourself it is too late. It is not too late if you are still willing to love God, like he loves you.
The body is something to be respected. There are many artists who have striven with all effort to make worthy representations of God and who he is. But the master artist already has.
"God created man in his own image."
Of course, we don't look exactly like our father in heaven, but our body is the closest representation to him that we have. We should not disrespect it by marking it, by incapacitating it, in mind or body. He has given us bodies and capabilities so that we can use them, not destroy them! Why will we seek to destroy our bodies with harmful substances, destroy our minds with harmful thoughts and ideas? Why will we argue that it would be better to destroy ourselves and others? Because we believe the body and spirit were not meant to be together? If they were not meant to be together, why did God put us in them in the first place?
No, "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy."
We should not have the false claim that a man was ever meant to be a women, or the other way around. We are sons and daughters of God. Why would he decide that the Gender which he gave you before this life is not what you are meant to be in this life? Why would he be so wishy-washy as to say that the way he created you isn't something you have to be, but you can change at will, because your lusts dictate that you should?
I will say this, the argument is brought up that perhaps that a female spirit is trapped in a male body or the other way around.
I ask this: Is God going to be so unjust that in the next world he won't fix it?
If it really feels that way, wait for revelation, real revelation, or have the faith and patience to wait for the Resurrection, when all will be made exactly what it was meant to be.
And if you don't believe in God, why do you believe in spirits being trapped in bodies?
With such great things in store, why will we stoop to lower levels? Why will we associate with darkness and evil? Why will we throw it away?
Many argue that perfection is not possible. This is only partly true. In this life it is not possible. Therefore, all you who strive to be perfect while still in this life, and beat yourself up because you are not: you do not understand grace. We can be perfected in Christ, in the life to come. We will achieve it, just not yet.
But I speak also to those who decide not to try because we can't become perfect. We can become perfect in the life to come, but only if we develop a celestial attitude: one in which we continually strive to become better.
Think though, how in the worlds to come, we can become heirs with God! We are nobility, from even before we are born. We are made to rule in our own spheres in the life to come. This is what we were meant to become.
So when we determine to become politicians, millionaires, or stars, we are not directly sinning, but if we seek to do it for the growth of treasures and praise in this life, we are not considering where we are headed.
If instead we seek it to build the kingdom of God, which will one day also be ours, then what benefits it provides. If we are nobles in nature, why should we let ourselves be short tempered, uncaring, lustful, lazy, etc.? Why should we not strive to, over time, through effort and help, overcome those unbecoming attributes and instill greater ones in ourselves. And if we are ALL children of God, why should we treat anyone with any less respect than we deserve ourselves? We are all brothers and sisters! "We are all on the same team. We all wear the same jersey!"
So there is my spiel. Sorry to be long and preachy, but I've discovered happiness that lasts, that doesn't come and go like so much in this world.
I invite you all to consider that you came from God. You should live up to that.
I invite you all to consider that God loves you. You should live up to that.
I invite you all to consider that God wants you to come back to him, and that you can. You should live up to that.
Develop a relationship with God. Find out what he wants you to become. Seek his approval which will always be forthcoming, and not fickle, like the world. Seek his assurance that you are on the right track by becoming what he expects of you.
I also invite you all to learn more about the fullness of the Gospel which I testify has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Whether or not you have heard it or know about it, or even if you have accepted it, I invite you to learn more about it. I invite you to find out more about his plan, about where we came from, why we're here, and where we are going. And I invite you to learn about how we can return to our Father in heaven. I invite you to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a member of the LDS church or not, you can find out more of this important truth through searching the Book of Mormon with the Bible.
Some scriptures on my topic:
The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh. (Alma 41:5)
But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure;yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for happiness in doing iniquity, which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head. (Helaman 13:38)
O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world? (Mormon 8:38)
Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness.Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness. (Alma 41:10)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, (Galatians 5:22)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy; (Doctrine and Covenants 11:13)
and also:
Genesis 1:27
Alma 18:32
1 Samuel 16:7
2 Nephi 5:27
2 Nephi 2:25
Doctrine and Covenants 11:13
If you don't have access to some of these scriptures, you can find them on
Sincerely, with love,
Elder Streeter
Many people in the world are seeking after happiness. Many people want to find joy in this world, and peace. But they all have different ways of looking for it. But often it seems that this search is manifest in an attempt to become something.
We often hear that people are trying to make something of themselves, don't we?
So where does happiness truly come from?
The short answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it is not my purpose to go into the myriad ways in which this is true.
Now let us consider some things.
Several of the scriptures note the idea that happiness will come to those who seek happiness. It will not come in doing iniquity. It will not come if you sell it for the praise of the world. It sounds to me that happiness comes not from wickedness, but from goodness.
The trend I see in the world today is that happiness is often intended to be found by becoming something. People are constantly trying to become what they aren't, however, and so they are brought to sadness rather than happiness. My mom said it before:
Curly hair wants straight, and straight want curly.
Redheads want to be blonds, blonds to be brunettes, and brunettes to be redheads.
As my dad would say:
The grass is always greener on the other side.
We seem to all be the goat’s gruff. We seem to constantly try to become what we aren't. This is a problem.
If an elephant wants to be a bird, what will that bring him?
Sadness, of course. He will realize it is never possible. He will look at himself in pools and see how different he looks, how ugly, compared to the birds. He will be saddened by his inability to fly, his incapability to sing and twitter and live in the trees. He will be defeated by the fact that he can never be a bird.
Perhaps his desire will grow. Perhaps he will delude himself into thinking he is a bird, imagining himself flying high above the clouds with his flock. If he becomes crazy enough, he will start climbing on trees...only to have them break. He will start singing, only to have all around flee, and perhaps in his distress and desire will finally jump from a cliff in the belief that he was meant to fly. And thus ends his life, because he never was meant to.
So much sadness in this world comes from trying to be what we aren't.
There are those who think they should be the opposite gender.
There are those who think they were meant to be a different color. Filipinos desire white skin and white people all want tans!
There are those who believe that we are meant to be animals, feeding our lusts because they are natural.
There are those who believe that we aren't even meant to be.
People try to become rich, popular, famous, movie stars, business leaders, politicians. Admirable pursuits, but none will bring happiness.
Because that isn't, in the vast scheme of things, what we are. Who we are meant to be!
And I watch as people devote all their time and energy to become a different sex, a different race, a different person, accepted by society, approved of the world. And I see that even as they get closer to realizing their goal they find themselves further from lasting happiness.
Happiness will only come when you are determined to be what you are, and who you are meant to become.
And that is why the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is so important and brings happiness.
For one thing it teaches us where we are from, and where we are going. For another, it tells us how to get there.
Let’s consider some truths:
We did not come from monkeys. If we believe we came from monkeys, we believe we are destined to fulfill our heritage as monkeys: feeding our animal desires, doing as we please, ruling by who has more strength or intelligence.
But if we understand that we are Children of God, then we see what we have within us. We have that divine spark! We have a little bit of him and can become heirs of his kingdom, because a father desires to give to his children what he has. It is not about fulfilling our lusts, but living worthy of our heritage as beings who originated from the most noble of beings. We seek not to rule by brute ability, but by emulating that being which gave us life, of whom we are similar.
He also loves us, and anyone who says differently denies all that is good and light in the world. He wants us to join him again and will do everything he can to get us there. This is his work, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
The argument that we are born evil is invalid. It says that we are not children of a being who is eternally and perfectly good. It says we should just be bad because we can't help it. "Wickedness never was happiness."
The argument that we cannot be freed from our past mistakes is utter falsehood and foolishness. Forgiveness is always available, because he loves us completely. Never tell yourself it is too late. It is not too late if you are still willing to love God, like he loves you.
The body is something to be respected. There are many artists who have striven with all effort to make worthy representations of God and who he is. But the master artist already has.
"God created man in his own image."
Of course, we don't look exactly like our father in heaven, but our body is the closest representation to him that we have. We should not disrespect it by marking it, by incapacitating it, in mind or body. He has given us bodies and capabilities so that we can use them, not destroy them! Why will we seek to destroy our bodies with harmful substances, destroy our minds with harmful thoughts and ideas? Why will we argue that it would be better to destroy ourselves and others? Because we believe the body and spirit were not meant to be together? If they were not meant to be together, why did God put us in them in the first place?
No, "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy."
We should not have the false claim that a man was ever meant to be a women, or the other way around. We are sons and daughters of God. Why would he decide that the Gender which he gave you before this life is not what you are meant to be in this life? Why would he be so wishy-washy as to say that the way he created you isn't something you have to be, but you can change at will, because your lusts dictate that you should?
I will say this, the argument is brought up that perhaps that a female spirit is trapped in a male body or the other way around.
I ask this: Is God going to be so unjust that in the next world he won't fix it?
If it really feels that way, wait for revelation, real revelation, or have the faith and patience to wait for the Resurrection, when all will be made exactly what it was meant to be.
And if you don't believe in God, why do you believe in spirits being trapped in bodies?
With such great things in store, why will we stoop to lower levels? Why will we associate with darkness and evil? Why will we throw it away?
Many argue that perfection is not possible. This is only partly true. In this life it is not possible. Therefore, all you who strive to be perfect while still in this life, and beat yourself up because you are not: you do not understand grace. We can be perfected in Christ, in the life to come. We will achieve it, just not yet.
But I speak also to those who decide not to try because we can't become perfect. We can become perfect in the life to come, but only if we develop a celestial attitude: one in which we continually strive to become better.
Think though, how in the worlds to come, we can become heirs with God! We are nobility, from even before we are born. We are made to rule in our own spheres in the life to come. This is what we were meant to become.
So when we determine to become politicians, millionaires, or stars, we are not directly sinning, but if we seek to do it for the growth of treasures and praise in this life, we are not considering where we are headed.
If instead we seek it to build the kingdom of God, which will one day also be ours, then what benefits it provides. If we are nobles in nature, why should we let ourselves be short tempered, uncaring, lustful, lazy, etc.? Why should we not strive to, over time, through effort and help, overcome those unbecoming attributes and instill greater ones in ourselves. And if we are ALL children of God, why should we treat anyone with any less respect than we deserve ourselves? We are all brothers and sisters! "We are all on the same team. We all wear the same jersey!"
So there is my spiel. Sorry to be long and preachy, but I've discovered happiness that lasts, that doesn't come and go like so much in this world.
I invite you all to consider that you came from God. You should live up to that.
I invite you all to consider that God loves you. You should live up to that.
I invite you all to consider that God wants you to come back to him, and that you can. You should live up to that.
Develop a relationship with God. Find out what he wants you to become. Seek his approval which will always be forthcoming, and not fickle, like the world. Seek his assurance that you are on the right track by becoming what he expects of you.
I also invite you all to learn more about the fullness of the Gospel which I testify has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Whether or not you have heard it or know about it, or even if you have accepted it, I invite you to learn more about it. I invite you to find out more about his plan, about where we came from, why we're here, and where we are going. And I invite you to learn about how we can return to our Father in heaven. I invite you to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a member of the LDS church or not, you can find out more of this important truth through searching the Book of Mormon with the Bible.
Some scriptures on my topic:
The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh. (Alma 41:5)
But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure;yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for happiness in doing iniquity, which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head. (Helaman 13:38)
O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world? (Mormon 8:38)
Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness.Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness. (Alma 41:10)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, (Galatians 5:22)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy; (Doctrine and Covenants 11:13)
and also:
Genesis 1:27
Alma 18:32
1 Samuel 16:7
2 Nephi 5:27
2 Nephi 2:25
Doctrine and Covenants 11:13
If you don't have access to some of these scriptures, you can find them on
Sincerely, with love,
Elder Streeter
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