Sunday, April 9, 2017

4 Years of Fees, Plus Termites (March 26, 2017)

4 Years of Fees, Plus Termites

Transfers happened, and yes, transfers happened. 

Answering Papa's question, yes, 3 months is a "short" time to be in an area. The average is between 5 and 6 months, or 3 to 4 transfers as we say here in the mission. 

Last week was chaos. After transfers, we had to move houses. I don't know if I told you, but the landlord died about 8 weeks ago, or so, and the question of ownership has become something the mission doesn't want to deal with, so we are getting out. This became something of a nightmare as it turned out to be a longer process than just taking stuff from one house to another. We still haven't finished, and will need to clean the house today so that we can leave it in as good a condition as possible. Among other things we have had to: 

Pay extra money for billing refunds that should have been refunded to the owner but was simply discounted from our bills FOR THE LAST FOUR YEARS!

Have papers signed by several different people (whose schedules were all different) to be able to proceed with the move-out.

Agree with the owner(?) and her "friend" (She has a somewhat more instrumental role than friend, I think. She seemed to be running things.) what things would stay and what things would go. (Consequently, some things which I know must have been provided by the mission, because they are the same make and model as they are in every apartment, are being left because the owner (or her friend) is claiming them...)

Emails, as I understand it, have been shot all over the place for verification from other people who claim ownership of the apartment.

We found out, when Elder Stowers opened a drawer that I thought was sealed shut, that there is a termite infestation in the apartment...

We watched in amazement as Brother Base somehow fit EVERYTHING onto one tiny truck (truly an artist!).

And after all that, we somehow worked in some small amount of proselytising. 

Our Sunday was pitiful. We went to church, taught one person who came to church, and then went home and made up all the studies we missed the previous days... including weekly planning.

Transfer-wise, I did not transfer. Surprisingly enough, my companion transferred. He's not too happy about it because his plate just got really full: he is now a zone leader in Para(enye)aque, and they are fresh starting their area, i.e. neither of them have ever been there before...

My new companion is a Samoan named Elder Stowers. He's still somewhat new in the mission, as he is 9 months, but that's not really very new. I just feel like it is because I am at 18 months...oh no....

He is the district leader here, so it will be fun during district meetings. He's never been district leader before, so he's a little nervous, but mostly he's a really fun guy who loves making jokes. He really misses Palawan, which is where he just came from, so he has been kind of sad the last several days, and the chaos of moving apartments seems to him to be so unfair, because he had nothing to do with it, and if he hadn't transferred here, and Elder Freese had still been here, it would be Elder Freese's problem. 

Whatever the situation is, I still love him. He likes singing and he likes praying and he loves his mom...a great combination.

Sorry I don't have much more to say. Hope this will satisfy this week.
And for Mama, I will give spiritual thoughts all the time when I get home from my mission, but I will try to squeeze some in here too. You think that I wrote those words to my mission president and then as a last thought added it to your email, but honestly I was writing it to everybody, and it just ended up that I wrote his email first, which we are supposed to do. Many missionaries end up writing to their family for too long, and then don't get to write to him, and he needs to know how we are doing. He also told me that what usually happens is that the emails we send to him will all be printed out at the end of the mission and given to us as a sort of you will get to see all of those (if I share them with you!!)

With love,

Elder Streeter

Predicting a Move, Then Predicting He's Wrong (March 19, 2017)

Predicting a Move, Then Predicting He's Wrong

I'll be honest, I have no idea what will happen. 

This week is, indeed, transfer week. So next week, I could be anywhere...
Or I could just be here. My companion and I think I will be here. Logically speaking, there is no reason for me to leave, and I haven't been here very long, so why not...

My heart feels like I'll transfer. I have a 100% fail rate on the feelings of my heart and transfers however, so, I'm probably staying here. Whatever I feel is going to happen, never does... Hehehe...

I wish, so hard, that I had some wild stuff to talk about, but I don't. 

I think I told you how the Tubig family's house burned down, and I also spoke about how we found them, maybe. 

Now they moved. They are no longer in our area. We are going to refer them to the other missionaries where they live, and hope that they discover the light of the gospel and partake of the fruit of the tree of life.

That's all I got. 


Elder Streeter

Just Turned 20!!! (March 13, 2017)

Just Turned 20!!!

Hello family...

Kind of recovering, one of our investigators houses almost got burned down this week...

And basically, they have to move anyways, because it got destroyed by the water hoses and that was a shocker. 

I bought a voice recorder and am sending those recordings for you to save. It's basically going to be my version of a journal. Sorry everyone who reads my emails...You don't get to listen to those. Strictly close family only, i.e. Mama, Papa, and Nikolai.

I don't really have much to say this week, I'll try to get more next week. Sorry about that.


Elder Streeter

The Impossible Dream (March 6, 2017)

The Impossible Dream

I suppose I'll include a segment of my spiritual learning that I sent to the mission president this week. Perhaps you'll just say you already knew this, but that just means that you've been blessed!

"Now, on to success...

If you are familiar with the story of Don Quixote, which you have to be, it's about an old man who gets so caught up in the ideas of chivalry in the stories he reads that he decides to live it, to become a knight, to find enemies to fight against and to raise the standard of honor. But the fact of the matter is he's a little crazy from how old he is, and to the people around him, he is downright disturbed. 

But I've always looked at that and considered the fact that we must look like that sometimes. We say to be good when the world says there is no such thing. We say to love purely, when the world thinks that's only in fantasy books. We say to follow God, and the world calls it blindness, and ignorant obedience, and even being brainwashed!

Is there not a parallel? 

Though I would not say that I know very much about this fictitious character, nor that I wish to become exactly like him, I do admire him. 

In the musical rendition of the story, titled the Man of La Mancha, if I'm not mistaken, there is a song, that says:

'To dream the impossible dream,
to fight the unbeatable foe,
to bear with unbearable sorrow, 
to run where the brave dare not go, 
to right the unrightable wrong, 
to love pure and chaste from afar, 
to try when your arms are too weary, 
to reach the unreachable star:
This is my quest! to follow that star! 
no matter how hopeless, no matter how far!
to fight for the right, without question or pause, 
to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause!
And I know, if I'll only be true to this glorious quest, 
that my heart will be peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest.
And the world will be better for this: 
that one man, scorned, and covered with scars, 
still strove, with the last ounce of courage, 
to reach the unreachable star!'

And I realized that what he said is profound, that if he is only true to his quest, his heart will have peace at the end.

He can't possibly achieve it! It says the star is unreachable for a reason! Yet he will feel peace for having tried his whole life for something so noble.
Success is not in the achieving of goals! It's in the setting of CORRECT, HONORABLE, and IMPORTANT goals, and then striving, ceaselessly to achieve them WHETHER OR NOT YOU ULTIMATELY DO, or even can! How could I have been so blind to this? I am successful if I set the right goals, and try my hardest. 

Then bring it to a more spiritual perspective:

'I'm trying to be like Jesus.
I'm following in his ways.
I'm trying to love, as he did,
In all that I do, and say.
At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice,
but the Holy Spirit, in a still small voice, whispers:
love one another as Jesus loves you.
Try to show kindness in all that you do.
Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,
for these are, the things Jesus taught.'

It would be impossible to be like Jesus, to be perfect, so I got scared away from trying.

But I am a success just by setting the goal, just by trying to be like Jesus. 

So I will read tons of books about Him! And as I do, I will go on the impossible quest to become like him. 

The world will laugh me to scorn, think I'm crazy, or not actually true. In their eyes I will be some poor young man with a mental illness.

But my heart will have peace if I am only true to that quest. And the world will be better for it whether or not I ever achieve anything!

My father always tells me: I only ever hoped that you would be a good person. I didn't care if you were smart or strong or attractive. I just wanted you to be a good person.

I have only ever wanted to do what's right. I've just been bad at it sometimes, or a lot of the times. But that is my quest, so I already am a success if I continue to strive."

I'm sorry I don't have much to write today...and that I still haven't finished that poem.

But I hope you can gain something from what I've found out.

Oh, and happy belated birthday, Papa! I totally remembered the moment I closed out of the email last week, but of course, it was too late. 

Sorry about that!


Elder Streeter

A Continuation of Kris-Tyan's Poem (February 27, 2017)

A Continuation of Kris-Tyan's Poem

How do I like my area?

It's good. It's very uniform in that it's almost all residential, and almost all the same economic level. Not terribly rich, not very poor. 

There are definitely poorer places and richer places, but it's like it all got put in a blender, so there aren't any large chunks of anything, but it's literally several larger houses all next to each other with several smaller ones right in between. There is only one small segment of my area where it is not allowed to proselyte at night time, just because it is extremely poor and reportedly dangerous. 

I did do a little more of my poem, but it's not finished yet. Here you go...

"I thank you that you've chosen to cease, 
and provide us with a moment of peace.
I'd like to speak now, and address some concerns,
But it's up to each one on his own to learn.
My first friend recognizes the value of strength
He had rolled up his sleeve its entire length.
He showed us that to him, God has given a gift
God hoped he would use it; not to knock down, but to lift!
Oh my friend! What power you have to help!
Even those you derisively classify as 'whelp'
As for your guns and bombs, they are certainly a force,
And protecting your country is definitely a noble course,
But a question is begged: which holds more power:
The bomb, or the house that still stands in that hour
When dust settles from the explosion, and the earth has been shaken
And human life itself so horrifically taken?
That house is the man who keeps his head,
when everyone around him is spiritually dead.
The body is a temple of God, out and in
You've taken good care of it, now begin,
To clean it from the red of the blood you've spilt,
The people you've hurt, and the weight of your guilt.
Then you'll be free, then you can stand
Wielding the sword of the spirit in your hand.
Yes! Again, I say:
Though you're red as scarlet, you can be white as snow
and at that time you will fight the fight with the real foe
Then in your heart and soul you'll have peace,
and your love for others will then increase,
Then will you learn true power, my brother
When you learn how to rescue the soul of another.

As for the second...

Yeah, it's still not finished
And I'm not even sure if the addition I've made is really how I want it to look...

So, anyhooo

Next week

Elder Streeter

Big City Life (February 20, 2017)

Big City Life

Hello everyone:

Big start:
I definitely have not finished that poem yet.

So. I suppose I haven't told you about my new companion yet. His name is Elder Freese. He actually got into the mission at the same time as I did, so we knew each other already. Being with a missionary that has been in the mission as long as you have makes missionary work easier (if it's been a long time, that is, since you started) you don't get the impression or the danger of one of you taking the "I'm better because I've been in the field longer" stand, and you both understand what to do as a missionary, so you don't have as many mistakes, or struggles. 

That being said, we are two very different people. I enjoyed computers, he did not...

I wasn't into sports, he was your average kid, not overly into sports, but still interested. 

He actually is the only one among his siblings who is a member. His parents, however, are members. 

He wasn't terribly close with his siblings. I was very close with mine. 

He also had a lot more exposure than I did. I'm beginning to see that I did have a VERY different childhood from a lot of people...

He tried band. He couldn't get into the spit valve. 

He was in choir until there weren't enough guys in the choir anymore, and the school just decided to make it an all girls choir. 

His previous area was a poorer one, and the change coming to this area took it's toll. Seeing all the good stuff he could never get before, he spent way too much money on P-day! Heheheh....

Actually, I did want to mention that. Currently I am in Makati. Except for Cola Cao, I can get almost anything I could miss from the stores here, it's just a matter of money. So If I'm still here and you get the crazy idea to send another package, it would actually probably be easier for you to just put some money on my card, and then I can almost certainly buy it myself. 

Yes, they have olives, butter, cheese, mac n' cheese, and every once in a while, butterfingers!

So I've got access to anything I could want, but it doesn't really fit in a missionary budget. Money wise, that means that if you wanted me to have a treat (which I DON'T NEED A TREAT) but if you wanted me to have one, it would likely be less expensive for you to put money on my card than for you to send it to me. But Papa's better at math than I am, so if he calculates it out and it's less expensive to send a package, then that's fine too.

(For papa's math: the peso is about 50 to a dollar, last I checked, and there is a 200 peso + 1% fee to pull money off of the card. American foods and other such things here cost generally in the 200 peso range, i.e. a block of cheese (190), Hershey's strawberry syrup (220), two boxes of Kraft mac n' cheese(180), a filling meal at McDonalds(185), etc. If you really felt the need to treat me, that might be the better option. But I don't need treats. Loving the people is a treat, and Filipino sweets are growing on me)

Anyway. The area here in Makati is pretty big, and it's almost all residential, so it won't get boring. There will always be houses to knock on. 

It's a little confusing sometimes, because all the streets look the same. But that's all right. 

All the kids here seem to think I look like Harry Potter. But that's not as bad as my companion:

He's told he looks like Mr. Bean! Hehehe...

That's all I got...

Not very exciting, is it?


Elder Streeter

A Hard Week (February 5, 2017)

A Hard Week

So I might have forgotten to...finish the poem. Whoops! It'll come, don't worry. 

Not much happened this week. I got sick, taught very few lessons, went on exchanges, and planned for lots of baptisms that may or may not happen (probably most will not, but hey! Some will!)

It was somewhat of a harder week. We didn't get to teach very much, most people were busy or not home for some reason. We also didn't get much time to work because there were lots of things that messed with our schedule. That being said, next week will be great. I'm sure of it!

This week is transfer week. If something happens, it will happen this week. I do not know, however, if something will happen. I will find out tomorrow, and you will find out next week. Sorry, that's just how it works!

That's all I've got to offer. Sorry, not much happened this week.
Next week there will be more news. I'm sure of it. 

An Epic Poem (January 30, 2017)

An Epic Poem

Sitting around a table were five great men
A peculiar gathering happened then
They had all been friends a long time ago
But then, each their own path did go.
Now they came back together to see what they learned
So they sat round that table, and each in turn
Spoke on the meaning of power.

The first was a man of great physical strength
He rolled up his sleeve it's entire length,
Then flexing his muscle, he began to speak:
"This is true power, and what you should seek.
With a single punch, I can knock out a man,
Want me to throw him? Even that, I can
When it comes to war, I take care of you whelps
But to fight off enemies, it's a gun that helps
You can kill someone from 100 yards out
You can hit ten men before they can shout
But the best of all is a massive bomb!
That'll blow you away no matter where you're from
Just drop in on the field, a little spark, then BOOM!
When the dust clears you've got a whole lot more room
That's true power! And beauty, too.
In an instant your enemies are gone to the great big blue."

Then the next man stood, with a perfect smile
He wore a suit of expensive style
His sculpted face was an actor's dream
He began his speech to win to his team:
"I admire your strength, my unrefined friend,
But your reasoning, as ever, is flawed once again
Where do you get the right to carry out that war? 
The funding? The research? That's what I'm here for.
Without fine leaders, such as myself,
All would be in danger, even our health!
True power is in people, the hearts of man,
They're so easy to sway, that's why I ran.
You commanded maybe 20, 50 at most?
I have thousands in my hand, from coast to coast!
Though your piddly bomb might kill 100 men,
The amount I can send may seem to never end.
With a flick of the wrist, I sign words into laws
My fans will fight for my smokescreen cause
Under "rights" the people feel that they're safe
They don't realize I have power to give, and to take
My very whims may affect where you end!
The pen is mightier than the sword, my friend"

Then the third guy stood in his jeans and plaid shirt
He looked at his solid gold watch with a smirk
Though he wasn't portly, and had good health
He was still full enough you could see his wealth
He flick off what had once been a large cigar,
That must have been imported from somewhere far
Among other business he was a loan shark
And began his spiel with a scalding remark:
"Thank you gentlemen, for that waste of time.
Which I consider a precious resource of mine
You see, time is money, and money is power.
Which is why I'm sad that I've lost this hour.
I understand power; I worked hard to get it
Unlike this buffoon who just sort of met it
You know where I started? 12 dollars, that's all!
Now with what I've got, I could buy my own mall.
Money makes the world go round, you see
True power is the power to buy, that's the key
Everything in this world has it's price,
Your armies and campaigns could be mine, but I'm nice
If you can be bought, I'm making the laws
If I break them, no problem, my lawyer's on call.
You rely on your words to make people happy 
I just throw out some green and they all start clapping
True power all starts in this little dime.
Here, have it, but remember...
I'll take what's rightfully mine"

The fourth man, following, took the stand
He had glasses on, and a book in hand
Though he had a goatee, his hair was a mop
Then he slammed open the book on the table top
It’s pages were old, they were worn and torn
He began to speak with a look of scorn:
"This was written by a man who, though he is dead
Knew that true power is found in the head
'Knowledge is power, it will set you free'
So it says right here, so can we all see
Your theories are invalid, because they're all flawed
I will prove this to you, so prepare to be awed
Who made that bomb? A scientist, that's who!
If he didn't leave instruction, you wouldn't know what to do
What's more, give us time to study it out
We can create a perfect defense, no doubt.
And who made the country, the original laws?
Some of the greatest thinkers, who had a real cause!
What have you learned to do? To create an applause?
How to lie, how to swindle, how to steal with your claws?
Every advancement in Econ has been made through math.
Stocks and bonds, banking, computers, all followed that same path
Money itself was invented! It was through using a brain.
You can pay for an education, but you can't buy mental gain
Through theories, and postulates, we push the boundaries of science,
That helps your soldiers, your voters, and your clients
You can't measure the power of knowledge, my friends
It's limitless! For the slower among us, that means without end.

The room then erupted, as tempers flared,
Not a tongue was held back, not an insult spared
The four in a struggle of words were contending,
Their opposing opinions showed no sign of ending.
Then stood the last man with a stern, but calm look
He had on a plain white shirt, his head, he shook.
He was older than each of his friends, and yet
He let each one go first, as he sat quiet
He continued this peculiarly silent trend of his,
Till the fighting calmed down to a gentle fizz
Then with his piercing blue eyes, and his clean-shaven face
He looked directly at each till they sat in their place
"Oh look, ----, the priest wants to speak." said the first,
With look of disgust, and a mild curse.
"I suppose," spoke the second, with a voice of disdain
"There is freedom of religion, though to me that's a pain"
"Prepare to be bored!" said the third, wryly smiling
"As we hear again about money defiling."
Spoke the fourth "Oh, great!" (sarcastically so)
"The master of myths wants to give it a go."
These they each spoke as a last attack,
Then were pricked by his gaze, and could not look back. 

When the room was then in a state of silence,
And the men were no longer on the verge of violence,
The last closed his eyes, and took a deep breath,
Then with calm he began, and thus he saith:

I haven't finished yet...
But it'll come.


We are nearing the end of transfers... that's scary!

I feel much better this week, I was kind of not happy last week, sorry.

There have been changes to our work as missionaries. For one, the focus is now completely on baptism. I suppose it always was, but now it's refocused. We have more flexible schedules so we can proselyte earlier. We get to choose when we fit our studies in. 

And Elder Bednar will be visiting our mission on the 25th of February!


(That's excitement spelled with exclamation marks)

I love you, I am soooo sorry, and I'm doing fine. We had three baptisms last week, and it would have been four, but there is no divorce in the Philippines, so the dad is going to have to wait a long time to be baptized.

Thanks for missing me. Thanks for praying for me. Thanks for loving me.

Next week,


Elder Streeter

A Note to Say, "No Note!" (January 22, 2017)

A Note to Say, "No Note!"

Hi, I'm alive, I'm happy, and I'm really sorry that I am doing to you what you did to me, but I'm not going to get much email to you this week, i.e. this is it, but next week I'll make it up by sending a poem which is a lot of fun.


Elder Streeter

A Lot of Pun (January 15, 2017)

A Lot of Pun


There's snow!


Sorry, that's just me. Of course, better if we get to Spain, but Italy is looking cooler and cooler (puns of damage!).

You can let grandma know that the snails here also suck. (Editor’s note: Grandma had just complained that snow sucks…) Literally. Hehehe... (isn't this pun!)

I DID get the donuts from the Guys. (Editor’s note: The Guys are a couple that we met in Gibraltar, who recently visited the Philippines because the wife is Filipino.) I knew they weren't Americans because they wrote: "Gutted we missed you today." It was like cleaning out the inside of my brain, and pulling out most of the stuff, to remember them (like gutting a fish! see! Punny, right?).

I'll be honest: I forgot their last name was Guy. I thought of just the word guys, so I was kind of confused who left it. Then the Office Elder started describing them to me, and I remembered them. 

The donuts were very good. It was so sweet of them to leave them (did you catch that? I'm just PUNting these at you (that was a pun too (catch/punt)!)). 

I'm glad that mama remembers stuff. I can't seem to recall (hehe, get it?) the last time that happened. (Not really, I'm just making a joke. It's what PUNks do.)
Sorry, I guess I'm getting carried away. It just hits me like lightning (which is always followed by PUNder!). I hope your head isn't spinning from my brainstorm. I'm kind of torn(ado) about whether or not this is a good email...

On a more serious note:

That sounds awful about Doni. I hope she gets better. 

Our investigator can't get baptized for the next three years 'cause he can't get married to his wife. A little disappointing, but he's told us that he will stay strong. So we're going to baptize his kids. 

Have a nice week!

The $64,000 Question (January 8, 2017)

The $64,000 Question

Why is there no email for me today?

(We were slow at getting his email's out...oops)

Back to the "Mainland" (January 1, 2017)

So, there's not much to say.

I'm back in the city!

I'm actually relieved to some extent. I feel a lot more at home in the city, actually, like I know what I'm doing. In the province, it's a whole different place. It's beautiful, and would be lovely for vacation...but I'm not here for vacation. I'm here to work!

I'm feeling a little blue today, not sure why. So my email might be slightly lacking.

My companion is Elder Ulat. He just got out of training, so I am following him up. He's older than me, I think he said he is 24. He is a Filipino. He's been through a lot in his life, but he is the nicest person. It blows me away. He is also very clean, which is super cool.

He is a little sad because this is the first time he's had a new companion. What's more, you get close to your trainer, and now his trainer is very far away. We, strangely enough, swapped places. His trainer went to Taytay, and I came here.
Makati is somewhat nicer than much of my area in Pasay, if you remember those days, but a little more confusing, because there aren't very many landmarks (that I've noticed) and many of the streets look exactly the same. That being said, there are still those who live in poverty.

This actually, a long time ago, was the AP's area. The members still haven't forgotten Elder Wilson, who was AP right around the time I entered the mission. 

It looks like there are people here prepared for baptism. I certainly hope we can help them to come unto Christ. 

There we are. I have complete access to McDonald’s again. I think I'll celebrate today. Hehehe...

Elder Streeter