Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Lot of Pun (January 15, 2017)

A Lot of Pun


There's snow!


Sorry, that's just me. Of course, better if we get to Spain, but Italy is looking cooler and cooler (puns of damage!).

You can let grandma know that the snails here also suck. (Editor’s note: Grandma had just complained that snow sucks…) Literally. Hehehe... (isn't this pun!)

I DID get the donuts from the Guys. (Editor’s note: The Guys are a couple that we met in Gibraltar, who recently visited the Philippines because the wife is Filipino.) I knew they weren't Americans because they wrote: "Gutted we missed you today." It was like cleaning out the inside of my brain, and pulling out most of the stuff, to remember them (like gutting a fish! see! Punny, right?).

I'll be honest: I forgot their last name was Guy. I thought of just the word guys, so I was kind of confused who left it. Then the Office Elder started describing them to me, and I remembered them. 

The donuts were very good. It was so sweet of them to leave them (did you catch that? I'm just PUNting these at you (that was a pun too (catch/punt)!)). 

I'm glad that mama remembers stuff. I can't seem to recall (hehe, get it?) the last time that happened. (Not really, I'm just making a joke. It's what PUNks do.)
Sorry, I guess I'm getting carried away. It just hits me like lightning (which is always followed by PUNder!). I hope your head isn't spinning from my brainstorm. I'm kind of torn(ado) about whether or not this is a good email...

On a more serious note:

That sounds awful about Doni. I hope she gets better. 

Our investigator can't get baptized for the next three years 'cause he can't get married to his wife. A little disappointing, but he's told us that he will stay strong. So we're going to baptize his kids. 

Have a nice week!

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