Sunday, June 12, 2016

Drinking and Babbling (May 2, 2016)

Drinking and Babbling


Another interesting week. 

I have been OYMing more this week, and had some interesting experiences. 
It seems that I have run into someone who decided to try to get me to drink. 
I think they knew full well that we don't. I think they knew full well that we wouldn't. 
But they came over and just said: "If you want to promulgate your faith here, you must learn to adapt to the culture. As an ancient Chinese proverb says, 'to be one with a people, be one with what they do,' so you should just have a little shot. A little can't hurt." 

"No, brother, we don't drink."
"It's only a little bit! Come on, just let me pour you some."
"No, brother, we don't drink!"
"How can you expect to know us? Come now, it's just a shot."
"No, we were just passing by, we are on our way somewhere. We don't drink."
"Are you sure, it's only a little bit?"
"Yes, it's fine."
And we left. 

The whole time he was taking action to move a cup in front of me and to almost pour into the cup. He kind of came out of nowhere, too. We were talking to someone different, and he just comes, interrupts, and doesn't listen to everyone around him telling him we don't drink. 

But that's all right. If he was just trying to get us to leave, then perhaps that was the best way in his mind to do it. 

Or maybe he actually thought he was being kind and friendly. 
Either way, it did kind of shake me. I haven't faced this kind of stuff yet. 
I also got "Bible bashed" of a sort again. But it wasn't so heated or sharp or belittling as the last one. Turned out we OYMed someone who believed we have it wrong. He started by asking: "What is the true name of God!?" 
He proved to us, using his methods and scriptures and knowledge that it must be Jehovah, and that we believe wrong when we say Mormon was a prophet, and that eternal life, or salvation, will not be in heaven but instead on earth (which I thought was funny because it is half true and half not).
But what I thought was interesting was the fact that, in response to his question of the name of God, we first determined that he was speaking of God the Father, not Jesus Christ, and then we actually were willing, but with reverence, to give him the answer. What was amazing to me is it blew him away. He heard the answer we gave him and it seemed as though his whole world stopped for a few minutes, as though he was stumped in his process and goal. And then it wore off and he somehow put it to the side to continue to tell us how and why we were wrong. But it just seemed interesting to me, as though the name actually held some sort of power. 

Which wouldn't surprise me.

Either way, I also OYMed a crazy guy. He wanted to write stuff on my arm, the weird stuff he was just babbling, but I gave him paper instead. It's utter nonsense. All he would do is mutter and throw out random English words. 

"...sld.skfjl.s..sdlk.s......Gravity warrant...skjfls.kjslf.asldf.....Sir Robert John Roderick...ajsldfjk.sjfla..ajsld.f.jl..Jesus is LoveSex..sljdalf....aksj.ja.ksjdlf.a...a....Integrityas...asdkf........asdkjljfa... matrix......divinity truth, ...a.skd...skjfd. frame..a.skdj..a.sdj copeland"

Sort of like that. 

But it just went…
And went…
And went…
We eventually got him to stop so we could move on. 
But it was fun.

We also got some interesting fruit. There was a twin banana and a triplet banana. I was going to take pictures to send you, ‘cause it was crazy, but some hungry poor children ended up coming first. 

Anyways, sorry, out of time. 

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