Sunday, June 19, 2016

Thoughts After Mother's Day (May 9, 2016)

Thoughts After Mother's Day

May 9…2 days after talking for Mother’s Day…

Yes, I do understand Spanish. As I look at it, I realize I understand everything, very grammatically, almost, except I forgot the "has" conjugations or what exactly, on a textbook level, it means. I'm fine with Cola Cao Turbo, I do understand, it is okay, and you should stop worrying. There's only one problem with my Spanish: though I can still mostly understand, I can simply not speak it anymore. I start trying and all these Tagalog words just get thrown in naturally. Funny. It used to be the other way around. I would speak Tagalog and randomly throw in Spanish. But that's all right. I'll learn after my mission.
I do have a Spanish Book of Mormon. When I feel comfortable with my Tagalog, like, maybe at my one year mark or further than that, I'll probably go ahead and start working out my Spanish, just enough so I have some foundation to jump from when I get home. I don't want to lose it! If for no other reason, it will be immensely helpful in family history. But of course, I also want to be able to order all that really good Spanish food I miss!

It was good to see you guys too. I'm so happy right now. GAHHH! I want to give it all away! Everyone just be happy! All you angry, depressed people, just eat the sweet fruit of the gospel already!!!!!! Hahahah!!!!

Today is voting day here. It's ridiculous, people keep telling us to vote. It sounds like there is a candidate who probably will win, maybe, and he sounds like a Filipino version of Donald Trump. Not a billionaire, but his motto is "tunay na pagbabago" or "real change!" People have all sorts of rumors about him, like he killed people and goes undercover to catch corrupt officials and cops. But there's also a ton of people who support him. His name is Duterte. I don't know much, but I'm not really concerned with politics right now. Except, of course, my own country, since it's a little closer to home. Please be aware for any out there who hold political opinions in the Philippines: I have no political disposition towards or against Duterte or any other candidate. I'm simply speaking what I've heard, which isn't much.

Hahaha...yeah, that was fun. 

Anyways, what else? Oh yes, what I want. I just remembered:

There is a stellar Tagalog-English textbook out there. IF it's not a burden, because I really should not be any burden on you while I'm here, so IF it's not a burden, I would love it. 

You can get it on amazon, it should say:
[center aligned, small font]
Hippocrene Standard Dictionary
The Philippine National Language
[center aligned, large font]
[then it is right aligned, small font]
Revised and
Expanded Edition
[then center again, small font]
Carl R. Galvez Rubino
---We have gotten this for him---

It has a picture of a very green countryside, with a small trail and village, very hilly. 
Only if it isn't difficult. If it ends up being very expensive, huwag na lang. 

I don't have much more to say, one of the Filipinos in my district has been using me as a living dictionary so he can email president in English. But I do want to say about people being softer with the gospel:
I've come to learn softness, as we speak of it, is a matter of humility. 

If I am humble, I am soft, if I am soft, I am changeable. It means I will listen sincerely to every voice which suggests to me. I will honestly consider, and if it truly has more benefits than drawbacks, I will try. It means that I will open myself, and not retaliate to attempts, however sharp, harsh, or unfeeling they may be, to correct or assist us.

It means I will think no evil, but rather have charity.

It is true that the gospel itself teaches us humility. We should be willing to listen, and seriously consider what is offered us. We should never, ever, seek contention. That is not humility. But it is possible to defend your beliefs with humility. It is difficult though, because often in a confrontation of sorts we feel ourselves attacked, and then it becomes a battle of pride. No, simply avoid it. 

The thing is that the gospel does, in a sense, help people become softer, but at the same time, as is in the parable of the sower, the real softening must come before the gospel. Otherwise it falls on hard ground, or dead ears, and perishes. So in truth, that is why pride is such a sin, such a root to evils. Yes, it does lead to almost all other sins, but also, it is the prime reason that people do not accept the gospel. It is the biggest stumbling block, and the tallest mountain. And anything which would tear down the salvation of souls, anything which hinders the happiness of God's children, is in the same category as the evil one himself. 


I guess what I'm saying is one of the noblest desires out there is that the gospel be in another's life. But at the same time, being softer is less often a result of the gospel and more often than not, it must be a result of the person themselves. The spirit can come UNTO the hearts of men. It cannot force its way INTO the heart. That is for each of us to do. Open yourself. 

It is sometimes said that the Lord will break your heart so he can build it the way it was intended. But often that is not his course. More often he will wait for you to make the conscious decision to break down your pride, your fear, and your cynicism, and then will help you put everything back together again, but this time in a way that will make you happy.

And to mama specifically:

DON'T LET IT DRAIN YOU! Think what a blessed privilege you have! You are the only one who knows the truth, you are the one with the opportunity to share, little by little, that knowledge with them. You said I have a cheery atmosphere. That is because there is a source of energy you can draw from, a source much greater than your own reserves. You need to use it to BE HAPPY. If nothing else THAT will stand out in this world. As people become sadder, more worried, more depressed, more angry, you must become more joyous, more peaceful, more cheery, more UNSINKABLE! Then you will stand out; then they will wonder: Why? How? The world is falling apart and she has peace...

Of course, treat things of importance with gravity, and do not make a mockery of that which is sad. But, if at the end of trials, you can find yourself still smiling, you know you've unlocked a great and amazing part of this gospel: the fact that, in the end, all that is unfair will be made fair.

All that will, in the end, pass away.
All in the end will be made right.
All that is wrong will be conquered. 
If we have patience, our reward will be great in heaven. 
I'm not sure if I'm clear, but basically, develop greater spiritual energy. Determine what it is that drains you and either build up stamina, or avoid it.

With love, 

Elder Streeter

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